Week 2 - Presentations!

  We had some fantastic presentations this week!

Kathy's class started the show with their rendition of Incy Wincy Spider. It was brilliant. Here is a video of their performance.  

Alex's class then told us all some interesting facts about caves and volcanoes. They even did some acting, showing us what life would have been like for a prehistoric cave person!

Lenore's class showed us some incredible board games they had designed an read us the instructions they had written.


Our presentations ended with a breaking news report from Alvin's class detailing some recent natural disasters and their victims.

We were very sad to say goodbye to some of our students, but we are happy to announce that orange wristbands were awarded to 3 students for excellent behaviour.

Congratulations to Giacomo, Ekaterina, Ella, Camilla and Vittoria!

We can't wait to see the returning students next week!


