Today at Queen's Gate we hosted our very own Olympic Games! But we didn't have any 200m sprints or javelin throws. Instead we had games of 'Crocodile' and ' The Lucky Box Race', as our students invented their very own sports to play!

Earlier on in the week the students had worked in groups and created brand new sports. They had to come up with a name, equipment needed and a set of rules! Let's take a look at the fantastic games they came up with...
1. Stupid Bean!
Number of players: 3 or more
Equipment needed: A ball
How to play: Players stand in a circle with one player stood in the middle of the circle. The player in the middle is known as the 'bean'. The players throw and catch the ball to one another across the circle and the bean must attempt to catch the ball mid air! Once the bean succeeds, he or she can go back in the circle and the player who threw the caught ball becomes the stupid bean!
2. The Number Game!
Number of players: 15 or moreEquipment needed: Nothing!
How to play: One player is select to be 'on'. The other players run around until the player who is on shouts a number. The number must be between 1 and the number of players playing. The players must then get into groups of the number shouted. If you fail to get into a group, you are out. Then a cup is placed onto the ground by the player who is on and they then shout 'GO!', the groups must then run to the cup as fast as possible!
3. Stuck in the Sand!
Number of players: 3 or more
Equipment needed: A ball and a referee.
How to play: All players are given a number. One player is chosen to be 'on'. The other players run around until the on player shouts out one of the numbers. That player must catch the ball which is thrown by the player who is on. Then the player with the ball must try and throw the ball at one of the other players!
4. Crocodile
Number of players: 2 'crocodiles' and 10 or more players
Equipments needed: Chalk markings of the words 'start', 'finish' and 'crocodile', bean bag.
How to play: The 'crocodile' stands in the middle with a bean bag. The other players chant 'chompy, chompy can we cross your swampy?!' The crocodile replies 'only if....' Then selected players must run across the 'swamp' and the crocodile must throw the bean bag at them! If you are caught you become a crocodile in the swamp!
5. The Lucky Box Race
Number of players: 2 teams of 6!
Equipment needed: 2 buckets, 2 bean bags and 2 balls, table/chair
How to play: This is a relay race made up of 6 'stations' You must complete all stations and then tag the nect player in your team to go. The team where all players complete the relay first wins! The stations are as followed: 1. Jump over bean bag 2. 10 starjumps 3. 10 x bean bag throws 4. 10 x bean bag throws 5. 10 push ups 6. Kick the ball under the chair/table
6. Tenbass
Number of players: 4
Equipment needed: Tennis ball, hulahoop, 2 ping pong rackets.
How to play: Two people stand either side of the hulahoop. They then bounce the ball with the rackets on the ground to and from one another. It must bounce in the middle of the hoop as it goes from side to side.
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