Week 4, Day 1:

Today marked the start of our final week at Queen's Gate!

 Although we are very sad, we are determined to make this week the best yet! Today's English lessons all started with some activities about getting know the students. Then the hard work started!

Helena's class did some work on creepy crawlies. They were tasked with pairing the name of an insect with its corresponding diagram, and they then drew their own:

How beautiful!

Elisabete's class were working on the past simple tense. They did lots of activities in which they had to form verbs in the past and use them in sentences. Here are some photos of them hard at work:

Jane's class started the morning with a quiz of London sights. This was the one every class member recognised the quickest!

Then they began some work that will contribute towards their presentations. They researched some endangered animals, their habitats and characteristics.

Did you know that the Amur leopard, native to Russia, is considered the most endangered wild cat, with only 35 remaining.
This is the class concentrating hard:

After our lunch break, the children took part in some great art and craft activities. Helena's class and Elisabete's class combined and made their own Jurassic Park! Each student created a dinosaur and then put them all together in one piece of work.


They spent a lot of time creating their masterpieces, and here are some of the results plus the overall class piece! 


Jane's class made mobiles of the endangered species they have learned about. They drew each animal and wrote some information detailing why the animals are endangered.

Here are some of the almost-finished products, we'll see the completed work tomorrow; great work!

4 students won wristbands today! Well done to Robert, Selene, Jaime and Edoardo!

What a fabulous start to our fourth and final week, keep it up!

