This morning the children were hard at work in their classes learning new vocabulary and how to form tenses.
Helena's class were learning the names of food while reading The Hungry Caterpillar.
Elisabete's class were continuing with their story about the Timmy the bear, learning new vocabulary and tenses.
Jane's class were focusing on the tenses, playing a game in order to remember how to form them.
Helena's class went to the Sensational Butterflies at the Natural History Museum, it was amazing! The butterflies LOVED us!
We learned all about butterflies and caterpillars
One butterfly even landed on Sofia's nose!
The other classes went to the Sceince Museum to do The Time Machine quiz in the Making of the Modern World exhibition.

Congrats to Yasmeen, Nicole, Yagoda and Taina!
Helena's class were learning the names of food while reading The Hungry Caterpillar.
Elisabete's class were continuing with their story about the Timmy the bear, learning new vocabulary and tenses.
Jane's class were focusing on the tenses, playing a game in order to remember how to form them.
Here is an example of a Time Capsule piece the students made using the new tenses they learned:
My name is Artem. I'm 10 years old. I was born on 8th October 2002. I'm from Russia from Krasnador. I'm a pupil. I like intellectual people. My favourite song is Alendelon. My favourite film is Zena Warrior Princess. In 2023 I would like to go to Vienna with my mum. If I had £100 I would give it to my mum. The thing I like best about school is my friends. The worst thing about school is bad marks. I like reading travelling to other countries. If I had my dream house I'd have a very big TV and very big pool.
By Artem
In the afternoon we went on some fabulous outings!
Helena's class went to the Sensational Butterflies at the Natural History Museum, it was amazing! The butterflies LOVED us!
We learned all about butterflies and caterpillars
One butterfly even landed on Sofia's nose!
The other classes went to the Sceince Museum to do The Time Machine quiz in the Making of the Modern World exhibition.
They learned a lot about the science behind our world and were tasked with answering questions about things they saw.
When we got back to school, Helena's class talked about their favourite butterfly that they saw in the exhibit, describing the colour and size.
The other two classes sat nervously awaiting the results of their quiz; the winners were Jakub and Abdullah!
Jane's class also presented their finished clay runes.
Today we had another 4 students who earned themselves a wristband!
Congrats to Yasmeen, Nicole, Yagoda and Taina!
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