Day 5- Final Presentations!

This morning Helena's class was busy rehearsing their insect puppet show:

Elisabete's class were also practicing for their performance by rehearsing the play the have devised from the story they wrote earlier in the week. 

Jane's class started the day by doing some work based on the story of Christian the Lion. You can watch the video here, but have a box of tissues at the ready! :

They then rehearsed their solar system themed presentation.

At lunchtime we said goodbye to two students; Guido and Leonardo. Leonardo was nominated student of the week and presented with a YELLOW wristband, WELL DONE!

After lunch, we all played some sports games, taking full advantage of the warm weather. Then the students did some craft activities in their class groups. They each painted their hand and printed onto a piece of paper stating their name, nationality and country. Although it was a little messy we had some fantastic results!


We have finished our first week at Queen's Gate and we were delighted by the INCREDIBLE presentations we saw today. Well done everyone!

Helena's class performed their fantastic puppet show based on creepy crawlies they learned about this week:

 Curtain's up!


 The amazing cast!

Elisabete's class performed a fantastic story the class had written including some animals they had seen at the Natural History Museum.

Jane's class performed a GREAT rap about the planets in our Solar System and presented their very own time capsules to us.

We were then treated to an INCREDIBLE poem by one of our students, Jagoda. She wrote about her time at Discovery Summer and made some of the teachers very emotional by what she had to say!

Discovery Summer- Queen's Gate- English course is great fun!
Even though every evening homework must be done.
Children from different countries come here to study.
Teachers take care of them, not mummy or daddy. 

Students can learn and they can play
But whatever they say- in English they say.
At the end of each day their projects they show
And the students present what they already know.
To watch their children parents can come
and see how rewards are given to some.

The only time when the studentes feel bad
is when they are leaving- that's really sad.
However, good memories will stay forever
whether the students are here or wherever.
They go back to their countries and promise one day
they will be masters of English- hip, hip, hooray!

Jagoda, 11 

She won a yellow wristband for presenting such a fantastic piece of work in rhyming English!

Finally, we would like to say an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jane Merrick, MD of Discovery Summer, whose birthday is on Saturday! Here's a message from the students and staff at Queen's Gate:

A final thank you to all of our amazing students! Farewell to those leaving us and for those joining us on Monday, have a lovely weekend!
