This morning, the students worked very hard during their English classes.
Jane's class started by studying the blue whale.
Did you know that the blue whale is the biggest animal ever to have roamed the Earth? And that its tongue can weigh the same as an elephant?
They then did some work about ways to save the environment and how to prevent global warming. They made these great posters with some instruction on what we can do to save the Earth.

Elisabete's class began their classes by presenting their favourite animal to each other. They then asked each other questions about the animals.
Edoardo's favourite animal is a puma:
The students were asked questions throughout the movie about what they had seen and what they thought was going to happen. Everybody loved the film!
Jane's class started by studying the blue whale.
Did you know that the blue whale is the biggest animal ever to have roamed the Earth? And that its tongue can weigh the same as an elephant?
They then did some work about ways to save the environment and how to prevent global warming. They made these great posters with some instruction on what we can do to save the Earth.
Elisabete's class began their classes by presenting their favourite animal to each other. They then asked each other questions about the animals.
Edoardo's favourite animal is a puma:
Helena's class started with practicing how to form verbs in the present tense using 'ing'. Then they made puppets for their show! They created insects that they saw yesterday at the Natural History Museum, how beautiful!
After lunch, we watched a MOVIE!
The students were asked questions throughout the movie about what they had seen and what they thought was going to happen. Everybody loved the film!
They told the parents all about it at the end of the day!
5 students won wristbands: Ana, Paula, Bor, Javier and Lou, CONGRATULATIONS!
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