It's Monday of Week 5!

Welcome to another week at Discovery Summer Queen's Gate, we have a very exciting week ahead of us! After welcoming our students this morning we have had a busy day of lessons, arts and crafts and a trip into the city!

This morning our classes spent some time getting to know each other. The teachers used games to break the ice and get the students talking to their fellow peers about where they come from, their hobbies and much more! Lets take a sneak peek inside the classrooms.

Alex and her class!

Our teen class this morning!

Alvin's class hard at work!

This afternoon the teens were out and about exploring the East End! They took a walking tour around the Brick Lane area and took a look into the lives of the people who make London the city it is today. From the effects of immigration, to fantastic graffiti art and old shop fronts, the afternoon opened the students eyes to just how diverse London is.

The students even saw the pub where some of Jack the Ripper's victims took their final sips! 

Later in the week the students will actually learn more about Jack the Ripper as they will be visiting the London Dungeons! 
